
Showing posts from August, 2014

Drinking *Caffeinated* Coffee in Martha’s Vineyard

Mid-August in Martha’s Vineyard is as good a time as any to drink coffee. And there are lots of good options to find good coffee. Two of the best known are Mocha Mott’s , with locations in Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs and the Black Dog Bakery and Café  in Vineyard Haven. I love them both. Black Dog vs. Mocha Mott’s I like Mocha Mott’s for its reliability and I *love* their peanut butter cookies (When I feel guilty about eating them I focus on the high levels of protein compared with chocolate chip cookies).  I like Black Dog coffee for its smooth taste and dark roast. It’s mellow….almost better to drink it on an overcast day, rather than a sunny, let’s-hit-the-beach day. Black dog coffee always tastes like summer turning into fall. It reminds me of trees with a few brightly colored leaves and pullover earth-tone sweaters. It’s good coffee to drink if you have to get some work done.  I have been enjoying both Mocha Motts and Black Dog coffees for years and don’t real