Some Like it Hot...But Most Like it Cold Even More
Regardless of the groundhog’s experience on February 2nd, spring is in the air (though we had a few flurries earlier in March). And when the first buds appear on the trees, and the sun stays higher in the sky, later into the day, we all start to celebrate in different ways. I personally celebrate by drinking coffee outside more frequently. There’s nothing I like more on a beautiful spring day than walking in the park or sitting in the backyard with a large cup of steaming-hot coffee---and when friends are there, even better. But what about cold coffee? For me, cold coffee is something I drink mainly in the summer. Surprisingly, I am not in the majority. According to a survey commissioned by Mr. Coffee, and conducted by One Poll, 63% of people polled (2,000 respondents) are happy to drink iced or cold-brewed coffee all year long. I’m definitely part of the 37%---those people who only drink iced coffee in the summer and drink hot coffee the rest of the year (assuming a 4-season loc