Drinking to Uterine Health and Starbucks Hits a Milestone in China

Ni hao! It’s coffee-drinking time!

Just as the cool air arrives and finally starts to settle in here in the northeastern United States, we get the awesome news that Starbucks has opened its 500th café in China! It’s in the international departure hall of the Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3. The president of Starbucks China, Belinda Wong, cites the value of Starbucks as the ability to “serve our customers.” Drinking hot beverages in a spirit of community, whether a standing or transitional community, is universal. John Culver, president Starbucks Asia Pacific speaks to the need to offer the “Starbucks experience to provide the highest quality Arabica coffee, handcrafted beverages, and an exceptional experience one customer at a time.”

Fortunately, as people in China drink more coffee, they will also reap the tremendous health resources associated with coffee. Now for the latest coffee-health update: Women who drink at least 4 cups of coffee per day are less likely to get uterine cancer. That’s the news according to data from a 26-year study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention on November 22, 2011. In a study of 67,470 women between the ages of 34 and 59, researchers explored the link between coffee and uterine cancer between 1980 and 2006. Women who consumed 4 or more cups had a 25% lower risk of developing uterine/endometrial cancer, compared with those who consumed less than one cup per day (P=.02).

Researchers suggest that the link may be based on the fact that coffee lowers estrogen and insulin levels, but caution that cream and sugar could ruin the health-enhancing effects of coffee.

Drink up and stay healthy and happy!


Anonymous said…
The Starbucks CIO was just named CIO of the year (maybe he gets an Ipod for that) by Information Week magazine. IW rocks by BTW. Innovative uses of new technologies is what they cited, I believe. The story is on the IW website I suspect.

Have we shared a cup of coffee at some point? Hmmm? I doubt it, since I usually have my own cup. But you mighta snuck a sip when I wasn't looking. Would you do such a thing?
Anonymous said…
Somafm (free internet radio) has 2 Christmas stations going on;
x-mas in Frisko and Christmas Lounge to go along with their 21 other stations.

If you're groping for a way to complete your x-mas shopping, check out the LL Bean website. A fleece hoodie always hits the spot.

Happy holidays to the Gray-Chan clan and all you caf addicts out there from the shadow of Taliesin West.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, the IW story requires registration on their website (the Blue Ribbon committee here at the Global Headquarters gets the hard copy delivered; free, naturally).

Anyway, we can summarize; they said that the Starbucks CIO (Chief Information Officer) unleashed a potent blend (get it, "potent blend", nice IWeek) of Marketing, and Innovation, pushing Starbucks to think boldly.

Specifically, they took advantage of 7 trends;
1. Mobile Payments
2. Social Networking
3. Desktop Virtualization
4. Cloud Computing
5. Consumerization of IT
6. Competition for Talent
7. Big Data Analytics

Suffice it to say; he done good.
coffee drinkers said…
I'm glad to hear that Starbucks now hits China.
Nicole Gray said…
Anonymous, thanks for the tip about the Starbucks CIO! Very important information. And--how did you know about my fleece fixation?

Happy New Year!!!

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