Drinking Coffee as an Autumnal Rite of Passage

                Martha’s Vineyard ferry boats, idyllic Jersey Shore beaches, summer stock theater, watching movies under the stars on warm nights, going for a midday swim at the town pool. Good bye to all of that (at least for the next nine months)!

                Remember the (very recent) days of surfing warm waves on a boogie board, cooling off in mountain grottoes and riding the subways late at night without the benefit of a “just in case” sweater? Well until next summer, those days are over. It’s mid-September. Summer is gone---though that doesn’t discount an oddly sweltering afternoon, quickly followed by a cool evening, now and then.

                And though we must say goodbye, at least for now, to beach balls and maillots and destination t-shirts, fall brings its own joys. Sweaters and squash, matzoh balls and maple syrup, academic calendars and extracurricular activities…And one of the very best things of all: Fall brings an all-out, no-holds-barred commitment to drinking hot coffee and espresso drinks (as well as chai, hot chocolate and tea).

                Starbucks has reintroduced its seasonal fave, all things Pumpkin Spice. Pumpkin spice brewed coffee, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice instant Via coffee, and  comforting slice of pumpkin loaf to accompany any of those choices.

                Hot coffee, cold mornings, good health---they all go together. So here’s wishing you a very happy, grounded, laughter-filled, hearty and active, apple-picking-trick-or-treating-fire-building-foliage-watching season. 


3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 said…

When will the stream be aweary of flowing
Under my eye?
When will the wind be aweary of blowing
Over the sky?
When will the clouds be aweary of fleeting?
When will the heart be aweary of beating?
And nature die?
Never, oh! never, nothing will die?
The stream flows,
The wind blows,
The cloud fleets,
The heart beats,
Nothing will die. Nothing will die;
All things will change
Through eternity.
'Tis the world's winter;
Autumn and summer
Are gone long ago;
Earth is dry to the centre,
But spring, a new comer,
A spring rich and strange,
Shall make the winds blow
Round and round,
Through and through,
Here and there,
Till the air
And the ground
Shall be filled with life anew.
The world was never made;
It will change, but it will not fade.
So let the wind range;
For even and morn
Ever will be
Through eternity.
Nothing was born;
Nothing will die;
All things will change.

- Tennyson
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 said…
Definition (according to the Urban Dictionary):

Coffee snob

1- An individual who cares about what coffee or coffee mix drink they put in their mouth. A coffee snob is not ok with starbucks, or Tim Hortons, or Dunkin Doughnuts, or McDonalds...etc.

2- a coffee snob would rather drink water than drink old coffee. An anal coffee snob will not drink the coffee if it needs milk and anything more than 1 tsp of sugar.

3- a coffee snob supports local roasters and refuses to drink folgers, maxwellhouse, or any other pre-ground non-fresh coffee... Including instant.
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 said…

Tragically, the Whole Foods closest to the World Headquarters has closed. Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, it has closed.

This was our main source of "the good stuff." We're talkin about Organic, Fair trade, Java, derived from distant lands.

BTW We're listening to this right now; http://youtu.be/QKLoqLVXho4

Hannah Reid is her name. London Grammar is the band. There are a number of awesome remixes on yt. Oh, and they will be in NYC on October 8th at the Gramercy Theater. Do yourself a favor, 'nuff said.

Since this tragic unjust closure, the staff here at the Institute within the Global Inter-stellar capital of research has been conducting an extensive search for a go-to brew. More news to follow....

Ok, another one;

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 said…

Yeah, you know you want the long version of the remix;


Turn it up, the girl can sing!
Nicole Gray said…
Great comments, Pi. Are you a coffee snob? Just wondering...
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 said…

Yes, Mrs. Nicky, I was just about to get to the Coffee Snob thing, but before that a reminder;

EXHIBITION: Vermeer and Music: The Art of Love and Leisure

The National Gallery, London, is offering a major exhibition on one of the most startling and fascinating artists of all-time, Johannes Vermeer. Vermeer is most popularly known as the painter of the Girl with a Pearl Earring. Vermeer painted little more than 30 works that still exist, and the National Gallery has chosen to focus on his art in relation to music. The event goes beyond the exhibition to tell the entire story of Vermeer's life and, in doing so, shows in detail many other of the artist's great works. The program will suit the wide audience who adore Vermeer's work and who want both to see it in detail and to learn more about this mysterious, fascinating man. Don’t miss your chance to experience a global revolution of world class art, history and biography through the works of Vermeer in movie theatres only on Thursday, October 10th at 7:30 PM.

That's October 10th, as in before ya know it. Don't forget. The Manet one, on the big screen, was awesome, awesome in the sheer awesomeness of it. This should be even awesomerrrr...

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