Get Fitter this Summer with Pre-exercise Caffeine---and the Joy of Trying New Coffee Places on Vacation
OK, this notion of getting the perfect summer body is cliché.
But so what? A lot of people are into working out and it can be lots of fun.
Everyone knows (and appreciates) the benefits of working out, but did you know
that drinking coffee before exercise makes you burn 15% more calories hours
after exercise. It’s basically a two-for one proposition: post-exercise health
benefits and increased metabolism plus a metabolic boost from coffee.
precise numbers can be found in this paper from the June 2014 issue of the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and
Exercise Metabolism. If you like to parse numbers and enjoy a good quantitative
read, you will really enjoy this paper; however, the big takeaway is coffee
before exercise augments exercise-related benefits.
you started vacationing or taking mini-vacations yet? The season is definitely
ramping up, and it feels great. Several years ago, when we were in Mystic,
Connecticut on a mini-vacation, I went to Bartleby’s Cafe on Main Street, aptly
named for Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener. (I think perhaps if the guy had
more coffee, he could have figured out how to get out of his unsatisfactory job
situation.) Anyway, the coffee is excellent and the peanut butter cookies are
amazing. So this year, I came back for more coffee...and my business card was still on the bulletin board five years later (talk about having a home-town feel). It’s really close to the drawbridge and across the street from Mystic
Pizza and the Black Dog General Store. Don’t miss it the next time you’re in