Lights, Camera, Sound, Coffee---and Action!

From September 1st to November 14th, 2010, visitors can come to the Montclair State University amphitheater to enjoy an outdoor sonic/light installation by Christopher Janney---a well-known architect, who installs different types of interactive exhibits in public spaces. This exhibit, "Everywhere is the Best Seat," features 36 columns with light sensors that are thoroughly interactive. Visitors are enveloped in lights and sounds---including the melodious calls of rainforest birds and atmospheric electronica.

Better yet, while enjoying the exhibit, grab a cup of coffee at Cafe Diem, which is less than a 2-minute walk away from the amphitheater. The cafe, which is open until midnight on weekends and 24 hours a day during the week and on Sundays, brews Starbucks coffee drinks. One of their best drinks is the pumpkin latte. They are generous with the espresso!

For the past couple of nights, my family has been compelled to walk over to the university and enjoy the magic of this exhibit. I, of course, have been compelled to have coffee! Between the walking and the coffee and the brisk September air, there is a feeling of overall good health. In fact, coffee aids exercise. It delays muscle fatigue and keeps you focused and energetic. Life is based on a series of minute-by-minute decisions....Should I take that walk? Should I drink a cup of coffee? How about experiencing a wonderful outdoor cultural/art installation with other people in an open-air setting? My answer: Yes, yes, and yes!

Here I am surrounded by the wonderful super-sonic, hypervisual, awe-inspiring installation drinking a cup of French Roast.


Unknown said…
Very cool. This is definitely the kind of exhibit where a robust cup of coffee will enhance the sensory experience!
Lindsey E. said…
Wow! Very ambianic ( that a word?) HOLLA!
PhenomenArts said…
Thanks for the kind words and great post. C. Janney
You are lucky to live in an area that has such exciting things within walking distance. Great way to combine exercise and cultural experiences. This exhibit seems particularly interesting.

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