Starbucks and the Inner Id
All day long, I am responsible. I see the world through the
prism of someone who has been a mom for almost a decade and basically done
pretty much the same work with the same
people for more than 15 years. What that
means is that I am boring in certain respects. I eat my greens, work out quite
a bit, keep a clean house, and go on date nights with my husband. I am
boring---except I’m not. I too have an inner id---an id that I don’t let out
very much. Not sure why. It won’t hurt anybody. I feel the safest place to
observe my inner id is the safe sanctum of a nice café in a large city. But
when I walk out those doors---oh well, I once again become the me that I’ve
been all these years. Nice, responsible, disciplined, happy, kind of boring me.
How about you? Can you tell me about your inner id???
From January 26, 2011
I have had a pretty tough day. I’ve been working hard, copy
writing on demand all day. Trying to basically write a 12-page custom publication
in a couple of days. I’m in downtown Manhattan. But I’ve stopped off at
Starbucks. There is a barista with the highest cheekbones I’ve ever seen. She
is ethnically unidentifiable and stunningly beautiful. She is a perfect size 2.
Definitely under 25—and she is completely unselfconscious. When she takes an
order, she simply looks at you with her expanding eyes and in a very
matter-of-fact, professional-barista way asks what you want. She is exceptional
because she is not narcissistic or trying to be cool or appealing. For that reason
alone, she would be a good role model for my daughter, I think. The guy in
front of me gets a cappuccino. His friend gets water. I get a 3-pump grande skim chai—which for the
record has caffeine.
All day, I have been thinking about this character Felicity
in Flaubert’s “A Simple Heart.” At 18, the man who promised to marry her went
off and married someone else, shocking her into lifelong sadness and an endless search for
love. As a maid, Felicity was involved in caring for other people’s children,
who eventually either died or abandoned her. She fell in love with God and
eventually with a parrot. When the parrot died she had it stuffed, and even as
she herself lay dying, she focused on the parrot, worrying about its eternal
soul. I wish Felicity had been able to come to Starbucks and find soulmates or
friends to hang out with---to cure the loneliness of the French countryside.
As I sit here in lower Manhattan, there are lots of people
catching up, talking about when they got married, how they met their spouses,
whether they should go to CUNY Law School, their fascination with feather
earrings. There is a man of indeterminate age, probably in his 50’s, with one of
those hats that looks like he just got back from skiing in the Alps. His scarf
is plaid. He is wearing high-end running shoes and frayed faded denim jeans,
eating oatmeal, wearing hipster glasses and texting. He is not at all unappealing. Since I am writing about him, I keep looking
at him and now he is looking at me too. I am nondescript today, wearing a navy
blue suit. Basically sitting here working. He is not wearing a wedding ring,
but he is toting a backpack---a sign that he is happily engaged with his work,
I assume.
Across the street is
Dunkin’ Donuts with its bright orange and red lighting. It looks like it would
be painful to sit in there. One would need sunglasses for sure. And above that
there is a sign for breast mammography and medical/dental/podiatry. All of this
is housed in a post-war, tan building
with green-trimmed windows. I can imagine that there are many women who go for
a mammogram and come to Starbucks for a latte afterward. Or perhaps they go get
their teeth whitened and come for a hot chocolate to get rid of the taste.
Perhaps they work in one of the nondescript offices doing something terribly
creative. I wonder about all of those people. This sea of humanity whose lives
intersect at one corner and who congregate in one of the two largest coffee
chains in the northeast (and in the case of Starbucks in the world).
It’s raining. There are so many young people milling about with
coffee and bags and umbrellas, and so many middle-aged people who look
incredibly young. And so many people drinking coffee whose eyes widen each time
they take a sip. I should be rushing home, but I’m not. I’m going to go order
more coffee now.
I bet you sing pretty well...
I know what it's like to be too tired and too wired all at once.
Thank goodness for morning coffee!
Maybe you should take your Id out dancing just to shake things up.
Or, one fun project is to change the art work in your home. This can usually be done inexpensively and is a lot of fun. Most people hang things on the wall that are chosen without much thought and never replace them. What a shame. They change, and their art doesn't. As if it's furniture.
On Tuesday 9 full length Renoirs go on exhibit at the Frick, if you require inspiration.
Also, I understand he believed he would die at age 51, had a pet Hamster named Kaiser, was afraid of Sauer-Kraut and used to refer to everyone as; "Bob-o-link" no matter what their real name or gender.
Oh well. Ah, rainy coffee house days, makes one want to wax lyrical (or at least wax) about days gone by. That reminds me;
Q; What flower is it, that says; days go by, and they keep going by, endlessly, endlessly pulling us into the future?
A; And the florist says; "White Lily".
Some Laurie Anderson for you. It's been in my mind for 30 years.
Dateline 2012; Earth:
The Global Headquarters obtains a new coffee maker!
Yes, I know you're thinking this is hardly surprizing since we were using the old coffee maker for experimants in Particle Physics. However, despite the explosions (most of the staff have fully recovered) we are shocked at the lack of durability in our former device.
Now, fully satiated in the bliss of caffeine once again, we can re-ignite the vital programs that so many people around the world depend upon.
The first initiative is to assign a task force to conduct in depth research on the Barista mentioned in your latest communique. Several important questions need to be answered, including;
a. What nationality is she?
b. If she isn't a narcissist, what does she believe in?
c. Does she have an older sister?
While the staff is usually chomping at the bit to get to the next project, this project, with it's global, even galatic implications, requires the utmost discretion and experience. Therefore, I myself will spearheading the initiative.
Excuse #1; poor proofreading
Excuse #2; it slipped
Excuse #3; earthquake
In answer to your query;
The Frick has the 9 full-length (they're big!!!) Renoirs until May 13th. There are a series of web-cast lectures about Renoir that will occur on their website and will be archived on
However, before you do anything else(forget everything but remember this!)you must see the series "The Power Of Art"
which is on youtube, but also available on DVD. Specifically; the Van Gogh and Rothko episodes, especially the Rothko. And Caravaggio.