Trying Toccopuro coffee on a lazy morning in Oak Bluffs

In mid-August, morning temps are surprisingly moderate in Oak Bluffs, in Martha’s Vineyard---though later in the day heavy heat drives people to the beach in droves.  In the morning, however, people are driven to find morning coffee.  Only then can the day begin.

This morning, I was not satisfied with Keurig coffee. I needed someone to hand me a hot brew (very hot preferably).  As I walked up Circuit Ave, I was too much in dire need of coffee to properly appreciate the charming bungalows, gabled roofs, and cedar-shingled homes.  In fact, I went to the very first café I saw, Toccopuro, located at 45 Circuit Avenue.

Toccopuro is a café for coffee-lovers.  There is drip coffee, cold brew, espresso-based drinks, pastries, and sandwiches. The interior is a peaceful seafoam green, with high-beam, wall-mounted shelves strewn with shells, and aquamarine espresso equipment on the counter. While indoor space is limited, there is some outdoor seating.

My drip coffee was pitch perfect and hot---just like I like it. For years, I have been partial to Mr. Puggs and Mocha Motts, and I still enjoy them. But, every once in a while, a person has to expand her coffee horizons.

Once I had the coffee in my hand, and then in my mouth, and then in my body, I could finally see all of the beauty around me.  I also had the energy and drive to contemplate another glorious day at the beach (and all of the schlepping that comes with it). Schlepping notwithstanding, the beach did not disappoint---and neither did the coffee. Try it the next time you're here. Happy August!


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